
Tuesday, 2 September 2008

How many maturity models are there, dammit?

Looking through my files on maturity management this morning, I came across the following list - and I don't think it's even nearly complete!

... and so on. And on. And on.

I also found a rather nice 'Maturity Maturity Model' and even a splendid Capability Im-Maturity Model!

Given that maturity models are basically a good idea - at least they get us away from the silly idea that radical change can be accomplished in a single step - it's a pity that so many of them are based on the chronically immature SEI CMM model. This, I have always thought, is more like a list of things the DoD finds it hard to do, in approximate order of difficulty.

I have had quite a few goes at maturity models (not to mention basing a complete book on the large-scale structure of human history on an analogous idea), including my 'Lattice Methodology', which is designed to direct strategic transformation programmes by maturity management methods, and a methodology maturity model. I may post either or both here, though I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet.

Anyone got any more? And if someone can find the URLs, I'd be happy to put them in.

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